miércoles, 9 de julio de 2008


El autor, Don Williams, tocando en vivo su famosa rola.


Esta canción fue un super hit en los setentas, yo nunca he sido fan de la música country, pero esta pieza me gustó desde el principio, con una bella melodía y una letra de las que me matan, el amor, la fé, el valor de la belleza, el desprecio a la fama y el dinero efímeros y a muchas cosas superficiales, la forma en que está construido el texto es ingeniosa, primero hace una lista de todas las cosas del mundo en las que no cree, para después decirnos en lo que sí cree. el amor, los niños, la música, la magia y su musa, porque es obvio que la canción se la dedica a la mujer que ama, el catálogo completo de las cosas que me conmueven y no puedo evitar que me conmuevan.

Para que el paquete sea completo, incluyo la famosa letra, cursi y romántica, idealista y soñadora, pero bella.

I don't believe in superstars,
Organic food and foreign cars.
I don't believe the price of gold;
The certainty of growing old.
That right is right and left is wrong,
That north and south can't get along.
That east is east and west is west.
And being first is always best.

But I believe in love.
I believe in babies.
I believe in Mom and Dad.
And I believe in you.

Well, I don't believe that heaven waits,
For only those who congregate.
I like to think of God as love:
He's down below, He's up above.
He's watching people everywhere.
He knows who does and doesn't care.
And I'm an ordinary man,
Sometimes I wonder who I am.

But I believe in love.
I believe in music.
I believe in magic.
And I believe in you.

Well, I know with all my certainty,
What's going on with you and me,
Is a good thing.
It's true, I believe in you.

I don't believe virginity,
Is as common as it used to be.
In working days and sleeping nights,
That black is black and white is white.
That Superman and Robin Hood,
Are still alive in Hollywood.
That gasoline's in short supply,
The rising cost of getting by.

But I believe in love.
I believe in old folks.
I believe in children.
I believe in you.

But I believe in love.
I believe in babies.
I believe in Mom and Dad.
And I believe in you.

1 comentario:

  1. Nunca me imagine que te gustara esta canción. A mi en realidad no me gusta mucho aunque la letra me parece es buena.
