miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009

LAS DAMAS DEL ROCK. Patti Rothberg.


La neoyorkina Patti Rothberg quien nació en 1972, es una artista muy completa, cantante, compositora, multiinstrumentista y hasta pintora, desde los tres años empezó a tocar el piano y a los quince compuso sus primeras canciones, grabó su primer disco en 1996 con el título Between the 1 and the 9. a él pertenece la canción que aquí presentamos.

Esta canción la encontré en un acoplado de varios grupos y solistas y me gustó de inmediato, me recordaba a la camada de damas roqueras de los ochentas como Joan Jett, Pat Benatar, o Bonnie Tyler, además de Suzi Quatro y por supuesto a las jefas Patti Smith y Nina Hagen.

La totalidad del disco no tiene la misma energía y espíritu roquero de esta canción, pero tiene buenas composiciones que se van alternando entre las roquerísimas y otras más inclinadas a la balada, resultando un álbum agradable sin ser extraordinario.


Well I know that I got to leave you , Lover
But I don't see how I can
You say you wanna make me happy
Go and find yourself another man
The first time that you told me this
You know my heart was about to crack
But I was givin some guy just a little kiss
And that's when you wanted me back
No thanks to you I'm doing fine -
Everybody has their day and this one's mine

People come around and tell me baby ´bout the way you won't be true
but I never loved you anyway
so the last laugh is on you - ha
Couldn't keep me on the sidelines honey
While you played the field no more - and the thing that you never realized is it was me who was keeping score - You lost the game right down the line - everybody has their day + this one's mine

You can beg and you can pleat + get down upon your knees
I could say that you were a dirty dog but that's an insult to the fleas

I've given you about 10 second chances
And you blew it about eleven -
Now, I don't ever wanna see your face right here
Less you ever make it to haven
Somehow I know you're not that divine
Everybody has their day + this one's mine
this one's mine
Somehow I know you're not that divine
Everybody has their day + this one's mine
this one's mine
You lost the game right down the line - everybody has their day + this one's mine
Somehow I know you're not that divine
Everybody has their day + this one's mine

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