Remind Me

En 2005, Röyksopp volvería con The Understanding y este año con Junior; este disco los volvió a poner bajo los reflectores y es muestra clara de que con el tiempo, estos cuates han crecido en todos los aspectos y mejorado su calidad musical e interpetativa.
Remind Me es un tema obscuro, triste de alguna manera, con una letra bastante profunda poco usual en un tema "bailable", ideal para una tarde lluviosa en la pista de baile.
El primer track es la versión tal como viene en el Melody A.M. y el segundo es un remix incluído en la edición especial, también puede checar el video aquí.
Remind Me
Someone Else's Remix
It's only been a week,
The rush of being home in rapid fading.
Prevailing to recall
What I was missing, all that time in England
Has sent me aimlessly,
On foot or by the help of transportation,
To knock on windows where
A friend no longer live, I had forgotten.
And everywhere I go,
There's always something to remind me
Of another place and time
Where love that travelled far had found me.
We stayed outside til two,
Waiting for the light to come back,
But hid in talk I knew,
Until you asked what I was thinking.
Brave men tell the truth,
A wise man's tools are analogies and puzzles,
A woman holds her tongue,
Knowing silence will speak for her.
So now I'll never know,
As you will only sleep beside me,
And everywhere I go...
Will remind, will remind, will remind me,
Will remind, will remind, will remind me,
Will remind, will remind, will remind me,
Will remind, will remind, will remind me.
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